Graphic Design Bridging Course



The aim of the Graphic Design course is to bridge the gap between high school and entrance into formal tertiary education in the field of graphic design.

Modules covered include: 

  • Introduction to the Apple Mac
  • Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
  • Drawing Skills
  • Design Skills
  • Visual Literacy
  • Critical Thinking
  • Basic Photography


Offered: Khayelitsha 
Entry Requirements:   Matric Exemption certificate, between ages of 18-30, computer literate, complete entrance portfolio requirements.
Course Duration: 5 months
Times: Full day, Monday-Friday
Cost to student: R1500 (R300 non-refundable course registration fee + R1200 course fee)
Cost to Learn to Earn: R65 600 to train one student, Donate to make it happen

Interested in doing this course? Use this link to add your name to the course interest list and then look out for a WhatsApp message from us!