Business Synergies
Learn to Earn has a number of opportunities for business to engage with the organisation.
These synergies with your company or organisation may include:
- Through donating to Learn to Earn (money, product or time), your company may be able to contribute towards the revised B-BBEE scorecard, especially the Enterprise & Supplier Development, Skills Development and the Socio-Economic Development element. Non-monetary donations will need to be invoiced in order to qualify.
- Being a registered Non-profit and Public Benefit Organization also means that quantifiable (invoiced) product or financial donations from within 10% of your company's gross annual income are tax deductible.
- Marketing opportunities through the branding of sponsored product or equipment, implying further return on your social and marketing/PR investment
The average direct cost to develop one unemployed person is R20 000, this is the average cost across all courses. As the Learn to Earn motto espouses a 'hand up, not a hand out' approach, all our students are required to pay under 5% of this full course cost. Corporate (and other) donations are used to fund the remaining portion of the cost (thus 'subsidizing' the training and allowing us to keep the cost to the student at its minimum). Currently the LtE Group has the capacity to train approximately 750 unemployed people per annum.
You can donate via the online platform, an eft or direct deposit using our bank details.
Bank details:
Account name: Learn to Earn
Bank: ABSA
Branch Code: 632005 (Main Road, Plumstead)
Account number: 450 151 424
Swift code: ABSA ZAJJ
Once you have made your donation, please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your proof of payment and contact details. You will receive a receipt for your contribution and your Section 18A tax certificate after the end of our financial year (April/May)
Should you require further B-BBEE info or wish to discuss your company's requirements, contact Aleks Jablonska, Resource & Partnership Development on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.