Bake for Profit

 Graduate quote about BfP course impact


The course is designed so that both baking and business skills learnt in theory are put into practice in real life situations. With the high unemployment rate in South Africa, the Bake-for-Profit course is meeting one of the deepest needs in communities throughout the country: the right to earn a living. 

Modules covered include: 

  • LtE Business Essentials Course
    • Recipe Costing
    • Financial Management
    • Creating a Business Plan
    • Marketing your Business
    • Stock Control
  • Safety and Hygiene
  • Measuring Techniques
  • Cooking and Mixing Methods
  • Baking with Yeast
  • Quick flour mixtures

Learners produce the following products:
Biscuits, muffins, koeksisters, chocolate cake, scones, banana bread, fried pies, vetkoek and bread 

Remember: This course covers BOTH business & baking skills – which will help build a baking business from home. During the course participants will need to go into their community and sell their products.

Offered: Khayelitsha and Hermanus
Entry Requirements:
Basic literacy and basic numeracy
Course Duration: 8 weeks
Times: Full day, three days per week
Cost to Student: R800 (R300 non-refundable course registration fee + R500 course fee)
Cost to Learn to Earn: R17 600 to train one student. Donate to us to make it happen

Interested in doing this course? Use this link to add your name to the course interest list and then look out for a WhatsApp message from us!
Remember: If a course is listed as ‘closed’, it means that the list is full, and we are not taking names for the course at the moment.